Thursday, July 9, 2009


You got it...Back to Calgary, and this time with Mike. We began our 13hr drive last Thursday at 4pm. We drove all night and got lots of bonding time. We had a fun filled 3 day trip. The main purpose of the visit was the wedding of a long time friend (since grade 2), Carolyn Tom. We made a trip of it and went to the Zoo & did the whole Stampede Chuck Wagon Races along with the Grand Stand Show. This is terrible, but that was my first time ever doing that & I am a CALGARIAN. Pathetic, I know. Originally the drive home was to be on sunday, but luckily Mike got the day off work on Monday so we got to just chill on Sunday. We had lunch with Nan and Grandad and dinner with The Simmonds and Tyler Ryan, a long lost brother from another mother. It was Mike's first time meeting Dorothy. We had a great time and wish we could have seen more friends and family. Here are some pics to show how great the weekend was.
The wedding was at pinebrook golf course! Gorgeous, real flowers everywhere and stupendous food. Great event Carolyn!
Aarika, Carolyn, and Juls (I love you girls, can't wait to see you at Christmas!)
This is the only pic I have of anyone/anything hickish for Stampede, even though we all dressed like that :( at least I got Mike in his cowboy get-up. What a hunk! My mom is at the Zoo with a Panda shirt on...what a dork. (I said it again Grandma Grace, Oops)
I love Moosey's & I love, love, love this picture!!! The only thing that would make it better was if Dad was in it.
This is from the Dinosaur park at the Zoo. I love the CALGARY TOWER in the background. There were so many great things to see at the Zoo. The best parts were the massive hippos (out of the water) getting up, walking to the water to take the plunge, seeing the new baby Joey come out of his moms pouch, watching the Gorilla's with the new baby at feeding time, seeing the Peacock protect his family with his feathers up for a long time and lots of other fun things.

Down at Nan and Grandads for lunch.

This little girl would not let us get any kind of picture, but Auntie Lanae straightened her hair and it lasted about 10mins.

1 comment:

Larsen said...

Hey girl! What fun! I want to take my kids to Calgary so bad!

Looks like you had a great trip!

Hey couple of things:
1. Your font is tiny. Very hard to read. If you want help, I know how to fix that.

2. You never visit my blog, and I am guessing it's because you do'tn have the right blog addy anymore, and not that you don't like me. Least I hope.

Delete what you have (gina happenings) and readd me as

Love you!
