Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial Day Long Weekend!!!

In a nearby city, Chagrin Falls they have an annual festival called "the blossom Festival" As part of this they launch 22 air balloons, but the neatest part about it is that they do them all at the same time in a big field. Unfortunately this year, there were thunderstorm warnings and the field was too wet so only 4 of them inflated and then had to deflate, but it was amazing because we were only a few meters away. Vienna thought it was pretty cool!

Our friends, The Fitzners joined us!
That same morning we went garage saling and got some great buys, we spent only $18.00. Here is a lawn chair before it is stained, I will do an after shot too!
Our garden is doing so well and I am loving watching it grow. So far we have eaten lettuce, chives and parsely. Besides the baby bunnies and the baby ground-hog devouring it we are having great success. Don't worry we are going to fence it.

We gave Vienna a doll for the first time and she was so cute and gentle with it!
Vienna got a very belated, but perfect Birthday package from her Auntie Bree!!! Such adorable stuff! Even the flower in her hair!
We went to Cedar Point on Monday, the waterpark (Soak City) was a blast!!!
Hanging out pool-side
The theme park has a petting zoo. Vienna is learning her animal noises so she was barking and meowing for every animal
This is one of the cute outfits from Bree, which fit her perfectly!
Our crazy sunburns from the waterpark (sorry if this is too much skin...Mike is patchy...hilarious!

All in all we had a very memorable Memorial Day Long weekend and considering in the US, there is only like 2 long weekends they are such a BIG deal.


Noelle said...

Vienna is getting so big, she's such a cute little girl! We still don't have a name for the baby, we better decide on one quick because we're running out of time! Glad to see you guys are doing well. We miss you!

Ryan and Janelle said...

OWIE!! Wear sunscreen!!! As a redhead, I'm always a big advocate for Sunscreen :) LOoks like you guys are having a BLAST up there! Yay! V is getting so big! :) Can't wait to see you in a few months!!!

Larsen said...

Ouch, that burn looks harsh! Can't wait to see you this year!

weloveadoption said...

oh your sunburns look like they hurt. A few weeks ago I did the same thing and it is very painful. I can't believe how big your little girl is getting. She is so beautiful.