Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013...a New Year!

 Despite the fact that its the 22nd of January I have had my resolve for 2013 near the beginning the month, but I had to catch up on so many other blogs that now was the time. 

A few weeks ago I made a FB post that said something along the lines of deserving to be fired as a mother. Of course I got several comments and responses but a long lost friend in one of my single adult wards who now lives in Australia wrote something that really touched me. She wrote...

Motherhood is about self imporvement. You've got to be tried to your patience limit to recgnize you need to develope more patience. Motherhood brings out the worst in us so we have t an opportunity to master ourselves in areas we didnt even know we had weaknesses in.
Thankfully under all the frustration, motherhood also continually increase our capacity to love more that we knew possible. The love motivates us to improve for those amazing little people that deserve the best. 
Have confidence in your ability to change, improve and gain patience. Don't let guilt discourage you, use it to motivate  and then move on. You can do it!

In thinking more about this comment and my actions and in reading some church articles I have kept for years that have meant something special to me at various times one particular phrase has stuck with me from an article called "The Daily Cross." It is from a few verses in Ether. It's Ether 12: 27 & 37. To sum it up it is, "MY WEAKNESS CAN BECOME MY STRENGTH" and so my motto and resolve for 2013 isn't just 'CAN' become it is "MY WEAKNESS WILL BECOME MY STRENGTH"

I know that with the Lord's help I can overcome any weakness I have, but I also know that it will take my constant effort, and that is the toughest part. 
I want to take a minute to bear my testimony about being a mother and raising my precious children. I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father that has allowed me the blessing of having 2 of His amazing spirits come into our home and lives. I know that being apart of a family and having my own family is all apart of God's plan of happiness, meant for all of His children. I know that my role as a mother is divine and because of this I need to seek divine direction and guidance in order to fulfill my role properly. How grateful I am to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father that is there waiting to hear my pleas for direction but also my moments of love and laughter too. Knowing all these things makes me happy and confident to raise children in this day and age with the world the way it is. How grateful I am for this knowledge and to have His gospel here on the earth today with a Prophet to be His spokesperson. Thank you Vienna and Lincoln for all that you have taught me, will teach me and for your unconditional love towards me despite my weaknesses. I love you both so much and hope to have the opportunity to love more sweet Spirits and learn from them also. 
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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