Tuesday, September 15, 2015

INCREDIBLY BEHIND...Lanae and Mason come for a Visit!!!

Before I post anything from September and Back to School stuff I want to play catch-up. 
The latter part of August, I was able to take a trip up to BC (alone) for a wedding that included both my sisters and my parents. It was so relaxing to just be on my own for 3.5 days, I almost didn't know what to do with myself and yet I was still working away on the wedding prep and watching my nephews, but still, it was marvelous. The people we met were incredible, especially the group of Re-con marines (the groom being one of them) and there indredible stories fighting the war first hand over in the middle east. These men have seen and experienced so many horrific things, one of which, being the medic on their team being blown up by a land mine and having to tell his buddies how to save himself and to this day he lost all of his limbs except his right arm, that has 3 fingers on it. It was so neat to talk to them about their experiences and to hear first hand how real the terror is. I'm so grateful for all of those who have sacrificed so much to protect the freedoms, rights and peace we are able to have here.
The best part was that we were able to bring my sister Lanae and her sweet baby boy Mason back with us for a week long visit! My kids l-o-v-e-d having Mason around. Vienna would even "babysit" (in the other room) for us. She is going to be the BEST babysitter for all her younger boy cousins. Although Sarah and Dane are expecting another baby so hopefully we can get a girl for little V. (fingers crossed)
Unfortunately it wasn't as quiet of a week or as warm as we were hoping. With 2 photo shoots, lots of kiddos and some necessary US items to get, it was a bit busy. We did get to chill and I watched more movies with her than I have in the last year. We cherish having company and just being able to hang out, spend time together and make memories.
 Costco Fun!
 I think this little lady needs a baby around the house...don't ya think???
 Our roadtrip down from BC went really well. Mason was a trooper!

 Out for a stroll..
 Auntie Lanae in the back is so fun for everyone!
 Lincoln also liked Mason lots and we're not totally sure, but we think he might have helped him roll off the bed, but we don't know for sure. 
Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule and for toughing out a 5.5hr road trip and a flight home to come see us! We sure hope we can stay close to our Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.

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